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May 16, 2013 “LORD, You have heard the desire of the humble; You will strengthen their hearts. You will listen carefully.” (Psalm 10:17) WORLD LEADERS - “Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence” (1 Timothy 2: 1-2). Please pray today for Capitan Regents (Co-Heads of State) Dennis Amici and Antonella Mularoni of San Marino (southern Europe, an enclave in Central Italy). CONCHUCOS QUECHUA OF PERU (cohn-CHOO-cohs KEH-choo-ah) - Please pray for M, P and MX, three Northern Conchucos Quechua believers in the Andes Mountains of Peru. These men are subsistence farmers who each live in a different community. They desire to follow Jesus, but their new way of thinking is not accepted by their communities. Please pray that they will know how to lead their families in Bible study. Pray that each of their family members will embrace a faith relationship with Jesus. Ask that they will be wise and bold to share Jesus with their neighbors. Lift them up as they write Scripture-based songs in Quechua and in the local musical style. Pray that Christian music will become a source of strength for them as well as a tool for opening hearts in their communities. DAKAR, SENEGAL (dah-KAR) - “M started listening to stories from the Bible in August of last year. A missionary would see him each week and tell him another Bible story. He has accepted everything that the Bible teaches, but has been afraid to follow Christ. In January of this year, M’s wife joined M in listening to the stories. This was a big step, because her father is a religious leader who follows a world religion. When the missionary asked her what she thought about the stories, she simply replied, ‘I am listening.’ Pray with our Dakar Urban Team for M and his wife to accept Jesus and to begin to experience the peace and joy in their home that only He can give.” |
Thursday, May 16, 2013
Today's Prayer - May 16, 2013
Today's Prayer - May 15, 2013
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May 15, 2013 “I must proclaim the good news about the kingdom of God to the other towns also, because I was sent for this purpose.” (Luke 4:43) WORLD LEADERS - “Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence” (1 Timothy 2: 1-2). Please pray today for Prime Minister Tuilaepa Aiono Sailele Malielegaoi of Samoa (southwestern Pacific Ocean, between Hawaii and New Zealand). PALESTINIAN ARABS OF THE MIDDLE EAST (pal-uh-STIN-ee-uhn) - It is hoped that sports can be used to reach young Palestinians. A sports specialist is planning for team sports in refugee camps to provide better recreation opportunities and to build relationships. Please pray for all the documentation to be approved and for the doors to be opened so the work can begin. Ask the Lord to open the hearts of Palestinians to His love and grace. thepalteam@gmail.com PEOPLE OF FACTORY BELT, CHINA - The Factory Belt area is vast and includes several large cities. The task of reaching the people for Christ is huge, and the laborers for the harvest are few. There are just a few believers in one of the cities to share with several million people, and they know that they must seek the Lord’s help in spreading the Gospel. There is an adjacent city that also has a couple of million people, and there is no known Christian witness there. This summer, the believers will begin making several trips to the neighboring city. Please pray that they will find fertile soil in which to spread the Good News and also see some key people come to believe and help them in sharing. They want to see local people believe and be trained to follow in the Great Commission as well. Pray for the people of that gateway city! |
Today's Prayer - May 14, 2013
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May 14, 2013 “Sing to the LORD, who dwells in Zion; proclaim His deeds among the nations.” (Psalm 9:11) WORLD LEADERS - “Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence” (1 Timothy 2: 1-2). Please pray today for Prime Minister Ralph E. Gonsalves of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (eastern Caribbean Sea). BAMBARA OF MALI (BAHM-bah-rah) - Praise God for the first Christian funeral held recently in one of the villages! A believer suffering with cancer went home to be with the Lord, and because she had asked for a Christian funeral, many heard for the first time about Jesus and His promises as they pertained to eternal life. Pray for the seeds sown in this village. People came from many other places to hear, and the Bambara pastor who shared explained salvation and God’s plan very well. Pray especially for one older man who asked one of the believers for his phone number so that he could learn more. HINDU PEOPLES OF MYANMAR - Tensions against Muslims in this country have been rising. A group of nationalist Buddhists, being called “the 969 movement,” have attacked Muslim communities in various areas, including burning a school in a Muslim area in one town, along with other buildings. Muslim shops, homes and mosques have been destroyed. Muslims in Myanmar are mainly of Indian descent, and their facial features are Indian. Our Indian brothers and sisters physically resemble the Muslims, so it can be hard for the mainstream population to distinguish between them, and there is a legitimate concern for their safety. Please lift up our Indian brothers and sisters along with the Muslim communities, and ask for peace in this country. http://southasianpeoples.imb.org/ |
Monday, May 13, 2013
An Experiment in the Grace of God
Matthew 5:38-48
38 "You have heard that it was said, 'An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.' 39 But I say to you, Do not resist the one who is evil. But if anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. 40 And if anyone would sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well. 41 And if anyone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles. 42 Give to the one who begs from you, and do not refuse the one who would borrow from you.
Love Your Enemies
43 "You have heard that it was said, 'You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' 44 But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45 so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven. For he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. 46 For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? 47 And if you greet only your brothers, what more are you doing than others? Do not even the Gentiles do the same? 48 You therefore must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.
Have you ever been wronged? Has anybody ever taken anything from you or treated you unfairly? Has somebody that you trusted and somebody that you supported ever disappointed and let you down?
The answer to all of these questions are....yes. Yes, you have been wronged. Yes, you have been treated unfairly. Yes, people have disappointed you. This has happened to all of us at some time or another and God is certainly no stranger to this grim reality.
I have recently been wronged as well. It comes in the form of a pair of Oakley sunglasses. Now, names need not be mentioned and feelings need not be hurt. However, there is a grand experiment flowing out of this process. I have searched my car front to back and up and down to find these sunglasses that I so recently bought during the golf season. They are the best sunglasses I have ever owned (even though that is not saying much concerning I never really wore sunglasses in the first place). But anyway, they were stolen out of my car. And yes, I know who took them as well. It was a pretty obvious conclusion considering the fact that they were there and then they weren't in such a span of time that only one other person had been in my car since then. So, there is no mystery in the fact that my sunglasses were taken by a certain individual. However, at the time I keep searching and searching in hopes that I am wrong in my assumption and conclusion.
Now, here is the issue. As things began to unravel and truth began to become evident in the situation I was instantly filled with anger. Why would this person do this to me of all people? I have supported them and been there for them in every possible way that I could. If they needed something that could have come to me.
"I'm going to go to that house and take them back" was my first response. However, as time began to pass and I began to think about it, why was I really upset to begin with? Was it the fact that they were my favorite sunglasses? Was I upset that an object was stolen from me? I mean, objects come and go. I don't worship those sunglasses so that can't be the case. So as that realization began to sink in I began to feel hurt because it was done to me. Well, am I hurt due to the fact the sunglasses were taken? Not physically, mentally a little shaken, and emotionally a little hurt, but my faith in God is still good. So why am I still so upset?
Then it hit me. I should be more concerned about the person that stole them than the object stolen or even my own well-being. The person is more important. So I began to think, how do I show them Jesus? How do I use this as a teachable moment of grace and mercy when the person is deserving of wrath and justice? And here is my conclusion.
Be. Like. Christ.
What does Christ say? Well, if somebody takes your tunic, let him have your cloak as well. In laymen terms, if somebody wants to take your shirt then give them your jacket also. If somebody wrongs you or wants to do you harm, give them more. Somebody wants you to walk one mile, go two. Why? Because in so doing you are showing them Christ. The first step in this experiment of grace is to ask, "What else do you want?" Sure, you've stolen from me, but what else can I do for you? You want more? You want money? What?
At some point in the near future I will look this person in the eye and ask them if they know why I have decided to respond to this situation the way that I have. And at some point in that conversation the Gospel of Jesus Christ will be presented and the grace of God will be given to this individual. And through doing this a life may be changed and a whole family as well. This is my prayer. In the meantime, in the midst of all of the denials and hurt feelings, all I can do is pray for the one who persecutes me and thank God to be counted worthy to be persecuted. I must love the one who has shown no love so that the Father will be given glory. And I want y'all to be a part of this grand experiment. Forgiveness is the simple answer. I will let you know how this works out and how God works through this situation in the coming weeks.
In the meantime, pray. Pray that this person's conscious will be struck with conviction by the Spirit of God and that they will repent of their current lifestyle and turn to Jesus. Also, pray that God will be glorified in the present situation and that His name will be known among all whom are involved.
Thank you and preach Christ crucified,
Today's Prayer - May 13, 2013
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May 13, 2013
“The LORD has heard my plea for help; the LORD accepts my prayer.” (Psalm 6:9)
WORLD LEADERS - “Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence” (1 Timothy 2: 1-2). Please pray today for President Stephane Artano of Saint Pierre and Miquelon (North Atlantic Ocean, south of Newfoundland).
HUNGARIANS OF EASTERN HUNGARY - “Praise the Lord for the opportunities that volunteer teams provide in sharing the Good News around the world!” writes the Eastern Hungary Team. “OnMay 15-30, a group from a Baptist university will be joining us in eastern Hungary to present a Gospel message through music and drama in area schools. The goal is for 800 to 1,000 students to see the presentations. Pray that the seeds that are planted will grow and result in many people coming to Christ.”
KANO KATSINA FULBE OF NIGERIA (KAH-no kat-SEE-nah FUL-bay) - The leader of the Kano Katsina Fulbe Team writes: “We have had quite a lot of unrest here in Nigeria recently and have had to do two different evacuations, one from our location and another from a different location. This has resulted in the relocation of three missionary units (couples and/or singles) out of Nigeria. This has been emotionally and physically draining on all of us here. Please pray for the following concerning this issue: Intercede for our personnel who are transferring. Pray for peace in their families’ lives due to the stress this has caused, for God’s direction as they seek where He would have them serve in the future, for a good transitioning process, and for God to be glorified through it all. Intercede for our five remaining missionary units, asking that we will have God’s discernment on what He would have us to do in Nigeria with the time we have remaining, because none of us knows how long that will be. Pray that God will burden our Nigerian Baptist believers for the unreached of Nigeria.”
jkgombe@aol.com |
Friday, May 10, 2013
Today's Prayer - May 10, 2013
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May 10, 2013
“Therefore I tell you, all the things you pray and ask for--believe that you have received them, and you will have them.” (Mark 11:24)
WORLD LEADERS - “Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence” (1 Timothy 2: 1-2). Please pray today for Prime Minister Kenny Davis Anthony of Saint Lucia (eastern Caribbean Sea).
SUB-SAHARAN AFRICAN UNENGAGED PEOPLES - A seven-hour drive from Chad’s capital city of N’Djamena, followed by a 45-minute drive over extremely rough roads from the closest “modern” village, will bring you to the 56,000 Dangleat people. The road traveled is relatively passable during the dry season, but at the height of the rainy season--July, August and September--the village of Dogom, the center of the Dangleat, is inaccessible. Dogom is a small village in remote Chad and is as isolated from the rest of the world as it can possibly be. In general, the Dangleat are undereducated, and many are non-literate. The majority of the people are Islamic by birth, but much of the pure practices have been lost to African traditional rituals. Although the New Testament is available in their language, there is no evangelical church among the Dangleat; there is no evangelical presence. Pray that God will move a person, church or association to take up the mantle of responsibility of telling the Dangleat about our awesome Jesus Christ.
TUNISIAN ARABS OF SOUTHERN TUNISIA (too-NEE-zhan) - The average Tunisian knows traditional Arabic and some French, but in the home, they speak primarily a distinct dialect of Arabic. While the Bible has been translated into traditional Arabic and even recorded in the dialect, progress is now being made on the first printing of the Bible in the local dialect. Tunisians will soon be able to listen and read the Scriptures in their native tongue! Pray for the success of this printing project, and ask that the Bibles will be completed in a timely fashion so that Tunisians can hear and know the Gospel of Jesus!
http://www.pray4tunisia.com/ |
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Today's Prayer - May 8, 2013
Hey everyone,
This is an article I get every day or so from the International Mission Board. I think that all Christians should pray for one another and this is one way to unify our efforts for particular things going on around our world. Please join me in praying for these world leaders, missionaries, and most of the all that those in darkness will see Jesus.
May 8, 2013
“Give ear to my words, O LORD, consider my meditation. Give heed to the voice of my cry, my King and my God, for to You I will pray.” (Psalm 5:1-2)
WORLD LEADERS - “Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence” (1 Timothy 2: 1-2). Please pray today for Governor Mark Capes of Saint Helena (South Atlantic Ocean, midway between South America and Africa).
BASQUE OF WESTERN EUROPE (bahsk) - “T, an unbeliever, is the husband of J, who’s a believer. A few weeks ago, they both attended one of our new outreach groups, so we decided to invite them over for coffee. We were a little surprised to open the front door and see only J. Apparently T was scared to enter our home and spend time with us, so he decided to go food shopping instead. After a few hours, he sent her a text message, saying that he was outside and ready to go home. J messaged him back, saying she wasn’t ready yet and to please wait. To our amazement, he rang the doorbell and entered our home. As soon as he sat down, we gave him a cup of coffee and I handed him a homemade brownie. I apologized that it was no longer warm since I was timing it for their original arrival. T was thrilled. He had lived in the United States for a few years and had fallen in love with brownies. It seems like that was all he could talk about. I’ve never known anyone else as thrilled as he was about getting to eat a brownie! Please pray that the Lord will use something as simple as a brownie to touch and open the heart of this man. Pray that as his wife remains faithful to the Lord, T’s heart will be forgiven and changed forever. And lastly, pray that he will be protected from the evil one.”
LAST FRONTIER - Lift up workers who are in need of visas to work in a limited-access area that is home to a Last Frontier people group. Applications have been submitted and the personnel are waiting for the response. Pray that the response will be positive, allowing these workers to continue the work they know the Lord has given them.
Nature Reveals God's Glory
This was written over a year ago but still rings true.
It does not come about often when I get blown away by God's grace through experiencing nature. I love to hike, I love to play golf....honestly I just love being outside. But often when I am outside I do not have the time to just sit back and say "Wow!" Right now I have the great honor and privilege of doing a friend's wedding in Phoenix. I have never been to Phoenix. I have been in some beautiful places in my life though...South Africa....the Rocky Mnts in Colorado...among others. But when I arrived in Phoenix the sight was just amazing...particularly the sunset. To see the mountains set the backdrop to this beautiful city was awesome. And so is our God.

It does not come about often when I get blown away by God's grace through experiencing nature. I love to hike, I love to play golf....honestly I just love being outside. But often when I am outside I do not have the time to just sit back and say "Wow!" Right now I have the great honor and privilege of doing a friend's wedding in Phoenix. I have never been to Phoenix. I have been in some beautiful places in my life though...South Africa....the Rocky Mnts in Colorado...among others. But when I arrived in Phoenix the sight was just amazing...particularly the sunset. To see the mountains set the backdrop to this beautiful city was awesome. And so is our God.
Life Lessons - Through Almost a Decade of Ministry
A lot of things have been on my mind lately. I look back over my life and realize that I have gone down a lot of different paths and have been headed in a lot of different directions, only to be brought back onto the path that God has chosen for me.
When I first started preaching at the age of sixteen, God was definitely not the number one priority on my list. Football, friends, and having fun definitely came before the things of God. Don't get me wrong. I definitely was the "ideal" teen in the youth group. I would show up to every event every time the door was open, I would preach when asked, I would sing in the choir, etc. But I was more concerned about playing football and trying to get that scholarship. Yet, God had other plans and I learned those plans in the form of a hip injury that left me unable to play the game.
Yet, that didn't stop me.
I decided that since I couldn't play football anymore, I'd coach football! What a great idea! So I went to Charleston Southern University, not because it was a Christian school, but because I wanted to study History and it was close to an historic city. I was hoping also that if my hip healed I would be able to play football at CSU considering they were not the best football team in the world (although they did go on to have some stellar seasons). However, God once again changed that path for me.
It came in the form of a New Testament survey class. All of the things that I thought I knew about church and the Bible were all of a sudden thrown in a blender and my head was reeling from all of the information that I had never been told. How could it be that I had never heard all of these wonderful things. How did I not know that within 15 years or so of Christ's resurrection the first books of the NT were written? How did I not know that Jesus definitely could not have become a myth in that amount of time? Why did the church not know these things? I was thinking that somebody needed to tell the church all of the wonderful facts. Jesus was real! Jesus really died, and he really was resurrected from the grave! Oh, if people had only known all the wonderful facts that I had known they would embrace the Gospel and realize that there is no way a myth can form so soon. The eyewitnesses were still alive. Over 500 saw Him at one time! This moment in time God told me to put away my childish ideas of what would make me happy and truly come to realize what His plan was for me.
I was to preach the Gospel...
...not in the way I did when I was in high school, but with a new vigor, a new passion for the Savior that had died for me.
And so it begun. Ever since I have been able to look back at the many jobs that I've had and realize that none of them were bumps in the road. All of them were opportunities for God to teach me something new and mold me into the person that He wanted me to become. And believe me, I've done a lot of different things: Driving range picker, restaurant cashier (twice), journalist, athletic director, football coach, golf coach, courier, parks coordinator, worship leader, youth pastor, associate youth pastor, college pastor, and senior pastor. But even now as I work for Interim Healthcare doing in-home caregiving I can feel God doing something awesome in the midst of the hard work and long hours. He has been showing me what it means to be a servant and how to humble myself despite circumstances.
In the Fall I will begin the next phase of this amazing journey as the Bible Teacher at Coastal Christian Preparatory School. Not only will I be teaching Bible, but I will also be putting many of these other skills to use as I lead chapel and the worship band, prepare conferences and sessions, plan missions events for the students, restart FCA, act as chaplain for the sports teams, and become the head golf coach. I never imagined that all of the events in my life were so intricately put together in such a way that where some people would feel overwhelmed, I am in awe of the Creator of the universe.
As I start my new job and then very shortly after get married to the love of my life, I look forward to even more opportunities to do ministry wherever I am for the glory of God and His Son. I pray that you will do the same and that as we sojourn together as pilgrims in a foreign land, we will pray for one another and keep our eyes on the prize. Thanks and God bless.
Preaching Christ Crucified,
When I first started preaching at the age of sixteen, God was definitely not the number one priority on my list. Football, friends, and having fun definitely came before the things of God. Don't get me wrong. I definitely was the "ideal" teen in the youth group. I would show up to every event every time the door was open, I would preach when asked, I would sing in the choir, etc. But I was more concerned about playing football and trying to get that scholarship. Yet, God had other plans and I learned those plans in the form of a hip injury that left me unable to play the game.
Yet, that didn't stop me.
I decided that since I couldn't play football anymore, I'd coach football! What a great idea! So I went to Charleston Southern University, not because it was a Christian school, but because I wanted to study History and it was close to an historic city. I was hoping also that if my hip healed I would be able to play football at CSU considering they were not the best football team in the world (although they did go on to have some stellar seasons). However, God once again changed that path for me.
It came in the form of a New Testament survey class. All of the things that I thought I knew about church and the Bible were all of a sudden thrown in a blender and my head was reeling from all of the information that I had never been told. How could it be that I had never heard all of these wonderful things. How did I not know that within 15 years or so of Christ's resurrection the first books of the NT were written? How did I not know that Jesus definitely could not have become a myth in that amount of time? Why did the church not know these things? I was thinking that somebody needed to tell the church all of the wonderful facts. Jesus was real! Jesus really died, and he really was resurrected from the grave! Oh, if people had only known all the wonderful facts that I had known they would embrace the Gospel and realize that there is no way a myth can form so soon. The eyewitnesses were still alive. Over 500 saw Him at one time! This moment in time God told me to put away my childish ideas of what would make me happy and truly come to realize what His plan was for me.
I was to preach the Gospel...
...not in the way I did when I was in high school, but with a new vigor, a new passion for the Savior that had died for me.
And so it begun. Ever since I have been able to look back at the many jobs that I've had and realize that none of them were bumps in the road. All of them were opportunities for God to teach me something new and mold me into the person that He wanted me to become. And believe me, I've done a lot of different things: Driving range picker, restaurant cashier (twice), journalist, athletic director, football coach, golf coach, courier, parks coordinator, worship leader, youth pastor, associate youth pastor, college pastor, and senior pastor. But even now as I work for Interim Healthcare doing in-home caregiving I can feel God doing something awesome in the midst of the hard work and long hours. He has been showing me what it means to be a servant and how to humble myself despite circumstances.
In the Fall I will begin the next phase of this amazing journey as the Bible Teacher at Coastal Christian Preparatory School. Not only will I be teaching Bible, but I will also be putting many of these other skills to use as I lead chapel and the worship band, prepare conferences and sessions, plan missions events for the students, restart FCA, act as chaplain for the sports teams, and become the head golf coach. I never imagined that all of the events in my life were so intricately put together in such a way that where some people would feel overwhelmed, I am in awe of the Creator of the universe.
As I start my new job and then very shortly after get married to the love of my life, I look forward to even more opportunities to do ministry wherever I am for the glory of God and His Son. I pray that you will do the same and that as we sojourn together as pilgrims in a foreign land, we will pray for one another and keep our eyes on the prize. Thanks and God bless.
Preaching Christ Crucified,
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